Analysis Protocols

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GTseq Analysis protocols

provided by A. Frey

This is a description of the analysis workflow that I am currently using for fastq files generated from GTseq library prep. The GTseq panel that I am using also includes microsatellite loci, step

Step One- Creating Directories, running fastqc, Trimming filename.fastq.gz, running fastqc on trimmed, generating filename.sam, filename.bam files, extracting microsatellite reads for MEGASAT, compressing filename.sam file for Microhaplot
This step is currently done on Ahi our legacy HPC, in the near future these scripts will need to be adjusted.
1. open, edit the following variables in the script: run, sp(species), project, and user information
2. run
3. transfer .fastq.gz to appropriate directory
4. open, edit the following variables in the script:
run, sp(species), project, and user* information, additionally, edit the location for ref files
5. verify that the ref files are in the correct location
6. verify that fastq.gz files have the following format *labID_sample#_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
7. run inputs::
ref.fasta, file containing the sequence for each locus in panel
msat_primerF.txt, file containing msat forward primer
- adaptorGT.fasta, contains illumina index adapters used in primer design
outputs: - fastqc file for each raw fastq
- fastqc file for each trimmed fastq
- readcounts.txt containing raw read count for each fastq
- trimmed_readcounts.txt containg read counts remaining after quality trimming
- mapped_readcounts.txt containing # of reads that aligned to the ref.fasta
- msat_readcounts.txt, contain the # of reads that contain any of the forward primer for microsatellite loci
- a depth folder with a
labID.coverage file for each fastq, has read counts for each locus in ref.fasta
- tar.gz file with the
labID*_mapped2ref.sam files for each fastq
link to github scripts: -

Step Two- Reviewing the coverage for the run
The purpose of this script is to get a general idea how the coverage looks across the entire run as well as for the individual loci and samples.
- sampleinfo.txt, with the following column headers Lab_ID, Plate_ID, Well_ID, Sample_ID this file is something that you will have to make.
- readcounts.txt containing raw read count for each fastq
- trimmed_readcounts.txt containg read counts remaining after quality trimming
- mapped_readcounts.txt containing # of reads that aligned to the ref.fasta
- msat_readcounts.txt, contain the # of reads that contain any of the forward primer for microsatellite loci
- a depth folder with a labID.coverage file for each fastq, has read counts for each locus in ref.fasta
- list of loci as columns(all in one row, with first column called Lab_ID, and last column prop_loci_>10), example of format shown in dc205_list of loci.txt - list of loci as rows (all in one row, with first row called Locus_ID), example of format shown in loci.txt outputs:
- coveragesummary.pdf
link to github scripts:

Step Three- Generating a .vcf file for Microhaplot Description:
The varient caller that is currently being used for this step is freebayes. After freebayes is run, it is important to clean up the .vcf file before moving on to the next step. That is currently done with vcftools, if I known list of varients exists it is easy use the –exclude-positions option, after creating a list of varients that you want to remove from the .vcf file. inputs:
- freebayes requires filename.bam files, and a list of filename.bam files. Our practice at this step is to use the pdf above to identify individuals to not include in the varient calling analysis
- vcftools –exclude-positions requires a vcf file, as well as a text file that lists the varients to remove.
- filename.vcf
- filename_targetloci_recode.vcf
commands used:
- freebayes-parallel <( /home/afrey/gtseq/ref/DcGTseqPanel_205_112122.fasta.fai 200) 6 -f /home/afrey/gtseq/ref/DcGTseqPanel_205_112122.fasta -L ./bamlist_100423.txt –haplotype-length 0 -kwVa –no-mnps –no-complex –min-coverage 10 –use-best-n-alleles 4 –min-alternate-count 5 –min-alternate-fraction 0.3 > Dcor_mex_fem_DcPanel_205_100423.vcf
- vcftools –vcf ./Dcor_gtseq_fem_DcPanel205_053123.vcf –out ./Dcor_gtseq_fem_DcPanel205.targetSNPs –exclude-positions ./ –recode –recode-INFO-all

Step Four- Running Microhaplot

- filename.sam files - filename_targetloci_recode.vcf

link to manual:

Step Five- Microsatellite Analysis using MEGASAT
This step is only necessary if there are microsatellite loci in your panel. If so the software we are using is a perl script called MEGASAT. inputs:
- labID_msat.fastq (generated in step one above) - - primer-input.txt, see documentation for formate
- genotype.txt
- number_Discarded.txt
- Number_Sorted.txt
- Number_Trimmed.txt
- Ratios_Threshold_.txt
- directory: Discarded
- directory: length_distribution
- directory: Sorted
- directory: Trimmed
link to github:

Step Six- Importing Genotypes into SWFSC Genotypes Database Description:
This step is still in process. Stay tuned for updates. inputs:
link to scripts: